Work With Us

Work with us

Interdisciplinary research is our way of life. Our entire community strives to communicate and interact across  clinical, scientific and technological disciplines.

Our collaborative spirit extends beyond our faculty. We are also shaping the next generation of scientists by generating constant opportunities for silo-breaking research among labs co-located at BI. We provide an immersive multidisciplinary educational and research experience and support a culture of collaboration amongst non-faculty researchers through seminars, educational workshops and social events.

Outreach Stop Cancer


Whether you are a student, postdoctoral researcher, faculty or part of company, working with BI affords you the opportunity to carry out high-impact engineering and life sciences research with world leaders and state-of- the-art instrumentation and fabrication facilities. Our collaborative network extends globally across universities and companies large and small.

Many of our faculty have launched companies themselves, and thus bring first-hand experience of the focus and detail necessary for translating new technologies. Whether your business is a start-up in need of partnership in moving your products forward or an established company looking for new approaches to core challenges, the Biointerfaces Institute wants to talk to you about opportunities for working together.

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