Cardiovascular Diseases Challenge Seed Fund Awards
Posted on 04 Sep
Cardiovascular Diseases Challenge Seed Fund Awards
The Biointerfaces Institute recently hosted the ninth BI Challenge on the topic of Engineering Approaches to Cardiovascular Diseases. This workshop brought together over 50 researchers from BI, the Cardiovascular Center, Engineering, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Dentistry, the Medical Schools and other units to discuss challenges and opportunities for translational approaches to address cardiovascular diseases.
We are pleased to announce the funding selection for the Challenge seed fund competition. The seed fund aims to provide funding for new collaborative research projects, stemming from the Challenge.
The Biointerfaces Institute will be distributing $200,000 in seed funds to catalyze the following four new interdisciplinary collaborations to address cardiovascular diseases. The funded projects include:
Designer particles for targeted impairment of neutrophil function in venous thromboembolism (VTE)
- Yogendra Kanthi (Cardiology) and Lola Eniola-Adefeso (Chemical Engineering)
Development of anti-thrombotic, omniphobic coatings for intravascular devices
- Anish Tuteja (Materials Science and Engineering), Yogendra Kanthi (Cardiology), Geeta Mehta (Materials Science and Engineering)
Engineering hierarchical control of 3D cardiomyocyte tissues to dissect myocardial injury propagation
- Daniel Michele (Molecular and Integrative Physiology) and Joerg Lahann (Chemical Engineering)
HDL nanomedicine for abdominal aortic aneurysm treatment
- Anna Schwendeman (Pharmaceutical Sciences) and Yanhong Guo (Cardiology)