
Create a barrier-free environment engineered for ongoing collaboration

BI research scientists are collocated in a facility that spans over 56,000 square feet of dedicated space at the North Campus Research Complex. We operate on the premise that great minds deserve great resources. Accordingly, our state-of-the-art collaboratory features:

  • Superbly equipped research facilities, including shared office spaces, wet labs, and equipment designed to promote interaction and spur new ideas
  • A configurable, 1,500 square foot Integration Space where BI researchers and their academic and industry partners can catalyze intellectual energy and accelerate bench-to-bedside results
  • Stand-alone research centers, including a 950-square foot Nanotechnicum; Optical Image and Analysis Lab; Single-Cell Lab; and Visualization Lab

Our passion for science and innovation extends beyond our walls

Our BI community is committed to promoting collaborations with the greater UM community and industrial partners, to translating technologies from the lab to the bedside to impact patients, and to sharing our passion for science with K-12 students and educators through a variety of outreach programs.

Audience at a BI Challenge

BI Challenges and Seed Funds

BI hosts a series of interdisciplinary workshops known as Challenges. These fast-paced, two-day events bring together BI researchers with the broader academic and industrial partners to address a major biomedical topic. Seed funding distributed at each Challenge supports nascent collaborative teams and eliminates the time lag between concept and execution.

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Langmuir cover highlights research from Larson and Solomon

Enhancing Interactions

Our ‘lab without walls’ approach allows daily, face-to-face interactions between people who develop technologies – the toolbox people – with people who have significant biomedical research problems to solve. This culture of collaboration permeates throughout the whole institute.

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Translational Research- Up close photo of gloved hands holding tweezers

Translating Technologies

Despite their diverse backgrounds, our researchers are remarkably alike in their relentless curiosity, their fearless approach to collaboration, and a results-driven, entrepreneurial streak that has inspired many of them to launch startups.

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Our Blueprint

BI leverages its unique research infrastructure to catalyze collaborations and support breakthrough biomedical research. In addition to the traditional faculty-dedicated laboratories, BI’s physical footprint includes over 30,000 square feet of shared space that encourages cross-cutting interdisciplinary collaborations amongst researchers within BI. BI also invests in shared equipment to support its research mission, including several highly-specialized research centers that align with the institute’s core research areas.

Our Research Infrastructure

The Biointerfaces Institute brings extensive experience to the collaborations that lead to scientific breakthroughs, successful translation, and advanced learning.

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