Category: Press Release

Sharon Glotzer featured in Quanta Magazine
March 8, 2017Quanta Magazine published an interview with Sharon Glotzer to discuss her work on emergence. Link to the article here.
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Nick Kotov’s work on dental enamel published in Nature
March 1, 2017Research in Nick Kotov’s group centered around synthetic materials for tooth enamel has been published in the March issue of Nature. More information can be found in the UM press release.
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Apply to BI Fellows Program
February 5, 2017The Biointerfaces Institute invites applications for its BI Fellows program. BI Fellows will engage in interdisciplinary research projects and received a one-year stipend of $55,000 and a $2,000 travel allowance. Applications are due on May 15, 2017. More details on the application process can be found here.
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BI featured in Ann Arbor News’ article on NCRC
January 29, 2017BI was featured in an article published by Ann Arbor News – the article focuses on the University of Michigan’s occupancy of the former Pfizer research site, since its acquisition. BI director, Joerg Lahann, as well as ongoing research from BI was highlighted in the article.
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Nanodiscs to delivery personalized cancer therapy
December 26, 2016Anna Schwendeman and James Moon recently published an article in Nature Materials reporting their work on designing nanodiscs for delivery of cancer therapies.
More details can be found in the article and the press release.
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Solomon elected to AAAS
November 28, 2016Professor Michael Solomon was elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in recognition of his contribution to the field of colloid science.

Nagrath promoted
May 22, 2016Sunitha Nagrath was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Congratulations, Sunitha!