
Nanostructured materials represent the one of the five technological pillars of the Biointerfaces Institute. The focus of this work is on simulating nanomaterial self-assembly and developing the different kinds of nanotubes, nanoprobes, nanocatalysts and nanostructures for applications in medicine, energy conversion, and electronics.

Biointerfaces Institute researchers use nanostructured materials in drug delivery, neural interface, rare cell detection, different imaging modalities, and microfluidics organ replicas. Research groups from UM Medical School or Biomedical Engineering department focusing on the end-use therapeutics or diagnostics utilize nanoparticles developed by BI research groups specializing in particle synthesis. Some of the nanomaterials that developed in BI are unique to UM. They include “janus” biodegradable nanoparticles, iron sulfide (FeS2) nanoparticles, aramid nanofibers (ANFs), and biomimetic composites. Examples of ongoing projects taking advantage of unique properties of nanomaterials developed at the Biointerface Institute include selective targeting of breast cancer cells, long-term implants for brain recording, artificial bone marrow, single cell metabolism monitoring with SERS-active nanoparticle assemblies, and others.

Basic research on nanomaterials that is expected to advance the field of biointerfaces in the next 5-10 years includes replication of protein functions by inorganic nanostructures, theory and practice of nanoparticle self-organization phenomena, DNA mechanics, high-speed computer simulations of nanoparticle dynamics, membrane-particle interactions, and wetting at nanoscale interfaces. Considerable effort is also invested in understanding the challenges for scaled up manufacturing nanoscale materials and devices by bridging nanotechnologies with different types of high-throughput lithography and microelectromechanical devices.

Nanotechnology- Small balls in different colors

Surface Corrugation offers important parameters to design physico-chemical properties of particles. The 'Hedgehog' particles are constructed by hydrothermal and sonochemical growth of ZnO nanowires on arbitrary microspheres.


The micron scale ovals, constructed by self-assembly of CdTe nanoparticles, are buried under layers of graphene oxide sheets. This image depicts a handful of buried eggs ready to hatch.

Nanotechnology Publications

Nanotechnology Technology

Advanced Materials and Drug Delivery

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Neural Engineering

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BioInnovations in Brain Cancer

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Cell and Tissue Engineering

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Single Cell Technologies

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The Biointerfaces Institute brings extensive experience to the collaborations that lead to scientific breakthroughs, successful translation, and advanced learning.

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