Cell in an engineered scaffold

RegenHu Presentation

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Posted on 16 Jan

RegenHu Presentation

DATE: Tuesday, January 30, 2018 TIME: 12:00 pm—1:30 pm LOCATION: NCRC, B10 G064

More information about RegenHU’s Bioprinters:

RegenHu engineers cutting-edge bioprinting solutions to enable scientific and clinical advancements. Their bioprinters 3DDiscovery™ and BioFactory™ offer a wide selection of high-end professional bioprinting instruments for the driving force of scientific advancements in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Drug Discovery.

The 3DDiscovery™ platform is a versatile and cell friendly instrument. It can create three-dimensional models that more closely mimic what happens in living organisms. It allows scientists to pattern cells, biomolecules, and a range of soft and rigid materials in desirable 3D composite structures.

The BioFactory™ is a versatile and cell friendly three-dimensional manufacturing instrument allowing scien- tists to pattern cells, bio-molecules and a range of soft and rigid materials in desirable 3D composite structures, mimicking natural environments.



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